
Legal Terms


The Exhibitor may distribute, only within the confines of its stand, hand bills or other printed advertising matter with respect to its exhibit. The Organizer reserves the right to prohibit the distribution of any advertising material for any reason whatsoever.


• Exhibit space will be allocated according to the date of booking and signing the contract.
• The organizer shall have full discretion in the location of the exhibition according to the exhibition plan and the imposed restrictions, in a manner that does not affect the reserved area of the beneficiary company.
• No change will be made by the organizer unless informing the exhibitors. The Organizer agrees to advise the Exhibitor if such a change is necessary.
• The Organizer’s determination with respect to allocation of exhibit space is to be binding on the Exhibitor.
• The full contract price shall at all times be payable even if the Exhibitor eventually does not utilize all the exhibit space allocated to him.
• If desired, the Exhibitor may provide the Organizer with a list of competitors whose exhibits (if any) should not be near that of the Exhibitor. The Organizer will, where practicable, accommodate such requests.


• Except as otherwise provided herein, no refund will be made of any money paid to the Organizer in the event of the Exhibitor deciding not to participate and/or decreasing his participation in the Exhibition or if the Organizer terminates this Agreement for a material breach of this Agreement by the Exhibitor.
• If the Exhibitor decides to cancel participation or decrease the space on or before 1 August 2022, the Exhibitor is liable to pay 75% of the total area cost.
• If the Exhibitor decides to cancel or decrease his participation a month prior to the exhibition, the Exhibitor is liable to pay 100% of the total area cost.


The Exhibitors must make arrangements for its exhibits to be kept presentable, clean and free from accumulated rubbish to the satisfaction of the Organizer. All material for disposal as waste must be deposited in the areas designated by the Organizer.


This Agreement shall enter into force and be deemed to take effect as a legally binding agreement immediately on signature.



The Organizer recommends that all exhibitors provide their own insurance coverage. In case of any accidents, the organizer will not be responsible for any damages.


All fire, safety, health and other laws, rules and regulations imposed by local authorities and agencies or the lessor of the premises where the Exhibition is held must be strictly observed by the Exhibitor. Aisles and fire exits shall not be blocked by exhibits. Decoration of the exhibits shall only be carried out in such manner approved by the Organizer. No storage behind exhibits is provided or


Mechanical or Electrical devices which produce sound must be operated so as not to prove disturbing to other Exhibitors. The Organizer reserves the right to determine the acceptable sound level in all such instances and to require the removal of any such devices.


The Organizer may terminate this Agreement without liability to the Exhibitor immediately on giving notice to the Exhibitor if:
• The exhibitor commits a material breach of this Agreement.
• If the exhibitor fails to pay or make payments due to the Organizer under this Agreement on the due date of payment, it shall be a
material breach of this Agreement. And undergo to legal accountability.
• The exhibitor suspends, or threatens to suspend, payment of its debts, is unable to pay its debts as they fall due or admits inability to pay its debts will undergo to the standing law.
• This contract is a confidential document between the organizer and the exhibitor. Otherwise, the exhibitor shall be liable to a fine of 200,0000$.
• All display contents and personal items of the exhibitors during the show hours are the responsibility of the exhibitor towards all accidents.
• In case of contracting within the exhibition land, the contracting company shall pay the exhibition commission to the organized company which proportion is 0.50%.


The official Exhibition‘s Invitation is a part of this contract.


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+964 780 777 7771

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+964 771 655 4085

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